Oh dear

Sorry, I couldn't find the page you requested. It might be that it doesn't exist, or it might be bug. 🤷‍♂️

In the meantime, Can I suggest returning to the start?

interblah.net - This is for Patrick

This is for Patrick

This is for Patrick, who doesn’t subscribe to the RSS or Atom feeds.

Instead he sets a reminder to check this website every week or two (or perhaps less, I forget), and – upon seeing no new posts – sets another reminder to do the same later that month, or year, or whenever.

This is for Patrick, who has lost so many precious seconds checking this site for new posts, only to find nothing.

I won’t be responsible for this anymore. I won’t burn his time and energy like electron potential on the bitcoin bonfire. I won’t be the source of that disappointment. My stale blog-type thing won’t be the reflection in that lone tear as it traces its melancholy path down his face. Not anymore.

This post, Patrick… buddy… this is for you.