Gem This, now a Gem Command

; updated

With the latest release of my vanity gem creation tool, I’ve made it a tiny bit simpler to turn an existing project into a gem, by valthropomorphosizing gem-this into a gem command. BEHOLD:

$ mkdir my_lib $ cd my_lib $ mate sweet_codez.rb # .... hack away $ gem this

Note the lack of hyphen! That’s right, it’s as if gem-this was built directly into rubygems itself. Take that!

To find out more about gem-this, click on the links. - Gem This, now a Gem Command

Gem This, now a Gem Command

; updated

With the latest release of my vanity gem creation tool, I’ve made it a tiny bit simpler to turn an existing project into a gem, by valthropomorphosizing gem-this into a gem command. BEHOLD:

$ mkdir my_lib $ cd my_lib $ mate sweet_codez.rb # .... hack away $ gem this

Note the lack of hyphen! That’s right, it’s as if gem-this was built directly into rubygems itself. Take that!

To find out more about gem-this, click on the links.